Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Mediating Effects of Time Structure on the Relationships between Article

The Mediating Effects of Time Structure on the Relationships between Time Management Behavior, Job Satisfaction and Psychological Wellbeing - Article Example Macan’s (1994) model conceptualizes how individuals manage time to achieve performance and maintain well being. Bond and Feather (1988) termed â€Å"time structure† to â€Å"the degree to which individuals perceive their use of time as structured and purposive† (p. 321). How employment provides individuals with a sense of structure and purpose, and how the absence of such a structure has negative influences. In a recent study, Kelly (2003) examined the relationship between worry and time usage amongst university students. Kelly found that the negative impact of Time Structure is worry. Kelly’s finding is inconsistent with many previous studies, which suggest that Time Management Behaviors (TMB) positively predict psychological consequences, such as personal wellbeing, work and life satisfaction. Macan and her colleagues developed the Time Management Behavior scale (Macan, 1994; Macan et al., 1990) by the twin surveys of college students and organization employees. Macan classified time management behavior into three categories Setting goals and priorities; mechanics of time management behaviors, and preference for organization. Setting goals and priorities includes â€Å"items that tap the setting of goals the person wants or needs to accomplish and prioritizing of the various tasks to achieve these goals† (Macan et al., 1990, p. 761). Mechanics of time management refers to the â€Å"behaviors typically associated with managing time, such as making lists and planning† (Macan et al., 1990, p. 761). Preference for organization refers to a reverse-scored factor that includes items measuring â€Å"a general preference for disorganization in one’s workspace and approach to projects† (Macan et al., 1990, p. 761). Based on this categorization of time ma nagement behaviors, Macan (1994) proposed the process model, which hypothesized that time management behaviors predict an individual’s perceived control of time, which in turn predicts job

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